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Can I ship my order in multiple boxes?Updated 4 months ago

We can only accept one shipment of an order. 

If your order doesn't fit in the box that we sent to you, no worries! You're more than welcome to find a bigger, sturdy box and ship your items in that. Just make sure you use the prepaid shipping label we provide in your Welcome Guide. 

Please do not ship your order in multiple boxes. There's a couple of reasons why:

  1. We send a prepaid shipping label for one box. Why have to pay for shipping of another box?
  2. When we receive your order, our goal is to make sure everything is accounted for. We want everything that is delivered to us to be everything that we return as well. When there's multiple shipments of the same order, that makes this process much harder. 
  3. Our shipping system is set up to only confirm one box for each order. Having a second or third box will only cause confusion, which is definitely not ideal when dealing with such precious items!

So, feel free to use your own shipping box but make sure to 1) use our label and 2) only send in one box.

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