Great question!
When you place an order, you are buying a box that is prepaid for a certain number of items. We offer 2 Item, 10 Item, 20 Item, and 40 Item boxes. In each box, you'll see barcodes that say "Included Item $0" in the quantity of the number of items the box covers.
We also understand that many people have a number of items in between our box sizes. Therefore, each box also has additional barcodes that say "Additional Item $17.99." If you decide to add more items to your box, you are charged at a rate of $17.99 for each extra item.
Invoices may also be generated if you decide to add an output, such as a DVD/CD set, thumb drive, and/or Digital Download.
You can pay the invoice using the link in the email that we sent out to you, or feel free to give our Customer Support Team a call at 423-375-0000. Our phone support hours are 9am to 5pm EST from Monday to Friday.
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