Can you convert my tapes? Is it a high quality transfer?

  • Updated

Yes! We convert most consumer video tapes. Your tapes will be transferred so you can see every detail of the original video. We deliver your digital videos on high quality DVDs and/or mp4 format (via thumb drives and/or digital download through Google Drive).

While we are able to convert most consumer formats (VHS, VHS-C, 8mm, MiniDV, Betamax), there are a few formats we cannot process. Here they are:

  • BetaCam
  • BetaSP
  • U-Matic
  • ¾” Tapes (commonly called VTR)
  • DVCPro
  • DAT tapes
  • Broadcast tapes
  • Anything larger than VHS

Each tape counts as one item in your order, and we will provide a complete start-to-finish transfer to digital for each tape you include.

Given the nature of our digitization process, all video transfers will be in 4:3 aspect ratio, regardless of the original aspect ratio.

The majority of tapes are natively 4:3, so they will look just as they did when originally recorded. In some rare cases, newer tapes may have been shot in 16:9 aspect ratio, or high definition. We are not able to convert the finished files to 16:9, and we are unable to produce HD digital files.

For a sneak peak into the quality of our tape transfers, there are three examples below.

Example #1:

Example #2:

Example #3:




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